Mehmet Ali Elbey, Osman Evliyaoglu, Ziya Simsek, Mustafa Oylumlu, Mehmet Ata Akil, Mesut Aydn, Zihni Bilik, Abdurrahman Akyuz, Umit Inci, Fethullah Kayan
Acute coronary syndrome • Insulin resistance • Contrast induced nephropathy
Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is a common complication following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Contrast-induced nephropathy after emergency PCI in subjects with insulin resistance (IR) has not been studied before. In this prospective study we determined the relation between IR on CIN, among those undergoing PCI due to acute coronary syndrome. One hundred twenty four consecutive acute coronary syndrome patients with diabetes (N=44), insulin resistance (N=38) and normal glycemic metabolism (N=42) were included in the study. They were all treated with PCI. Pre and post procedural creatinines were measured and independent predictors of CIN were analyzed. IR was defined as a HOMA level (HOMA-IR= Serum Glucose (mg/dL) X Plasma Insulin (micro unit/mL) / 405 >2.5. Patients with IR or diabetes had significantly higher levels of creatinine after procedure, serum cholesterol, glucose, contrast volume, hospital stay and HOMA. Female gender, frequency of CIN and multivessel disease were also higher in these patients. On the other hand they had signifi-cantly lower ejection fraction. Logistic regression analysis showed that HOMA was the single independent risk factor for CIN in patients with acute coronary syndrome treated with PCI. Insulin resistance is an independent risk factor for CIN in patients with acute coronary syndrome treated with PCI. It carries a similar risk with diabetes and proper prophylaxis should be performed.