


International Journal Diabetes in Developing Countries

24-h Glucose profile of patients with gestational diabetes mellitus and comparison with pregnant women with normoglycemia

24-h Glucose profile of patients with gestational diabetes mellitus and comparison with pregnant women with normoglycemia Download PDF View PDF


Shiva Madan, Manjulata Verma, Preeti Dabadghao


Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) • Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group India (DIPSI) • Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) • Glycemic variability • International Association of the Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG) • Hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcome (HAPO)

Objective To study the 24-h glucose profile of patients with mild GDM using the commercially available Abbot Libre continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) and compare them with pregnant women with normoglycemia (gestational agecomparable).

Methods A case control study conducted between 2019-2020 followed eligible pregnant women diagnosed with GDM according to Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group India criteria, after the placement of a CGMS.

Results Twenty-one GDM patients whose mean age was 27.1 ± 3.3 years with gestational age 28 weeks (24–32) and thirty pregnant women with normoglycemia whose mean age was 25.7 ± 4.2 years and gestational age 26 weeks (23–34) were enrolled in the study. Fasting, pre-breakfast, 2 h post lunch, day time and lowest nocturnal glucose were significantly higher in the GDM group than in controls. Glycemic variability indices like standard deviation of blood glucose, J index, and mean amplitude of glycemic excursions were also significantly higher in GDM patients. GDM patients spent more time above >140 mg/dl than controls.

Conclusion GDM patients, who have mild hyperglycemia but not overt diabetes, also have an abnormal 24 h glucose profile as compared to normal pregnancy