


International Journal Diabetes in Developing Countries

Follow-up frequency impacts metabolic control in diabetes patients under MMC framework - a retrospective study

Follow-up frequency impacts metabolic control in diabetes patients under MMC framework - a retrospective study Download PDF View PDF


Jiaohong Luo, Xianqin Long, Ying Wang, Min Li, Chenyun Xu, Qidong Zheng


Follow-up frequency • Chronic disease management • Metabolic control

Background Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have risk of cardiovascular complications if blood glucose, blood lipids, and blood pressure (BP) are not optimally controlled. National Metabolic Management Center (MMC) has established a new management model to improve metabolic control.

Purpose This study aimed to assess the level of metabolic control in T2DM patients under MMC and explore the relationship between clinical follow-up frequency and target-reaching rate of HbA1c, LDL-C, and BP.

Method This was a retrospective study. Baseline measurements and follow-up data were collected from September 2017 to November 2019. The subjects were grouped according to the follow-up frequency as <4 times/year, =4 times/year, and >4 times/year.

Results The positive changes in HbA1c and LDL-C were associated with follow-up frequency. After adjusting for confounders, the target-reaching rate of HbA1c for patients with follow-up ≥4 times/year was higher than those with <4 times/year, with odds ratios of 1.518 (=4 times/year) and 1.508 (>4 times/year). Compared to patients with follow-up <4 times/year, the target-reaching rate of LDL-C for patients with follow-up ≥4 times/year was higher, with odds ratios of 1.998 (=4 times/year) and 2.517 (>4 times/year). After 1 year of management, 48.91%, 47.43%, and 56.72% of patients achieved the target goals, respectively.
12.88% patients met all three targets.

Conclusion MMC improves the target-reaching rate of HbA1c, BP, and LDL-C for T2DM patients in China. Compared with follow-up <4 times/year, follow-up 4 times/year has the maximum benefit of metabolic control in patients while >4 times/year was found no additional benefits than 4 times/year.